Candlemass på Plan B i Malmö 24-04-19. Bild: Peter Reimer
Plan B, Malmö, 240419
Behind the camera: Peter Reimer
There were double seven-armed candelabras with candles, huge crosses, skulls and a doomsday atmosphere. It was Candelmass that had taken over Malmö and Plan B.
Today’s support band was Crank, a new band with the not completely unknown Tyrant from Nifelheim. I only had time to see the last songs and if I try to describe how they sound, biker rock with Motörhead elements in short.
The reason why I missed Crank was that I had the great honour to interview Jan Lindh, drummer of Candlemass for the first issue of Let There Be DrumZine (out in May/June). So more about Mr Lindh later.
When Marche Funebre sounds in the speakers, we are all heading towards the end, we are slowly drifting down the tunnel that gets darker and darker. When Bewiched starts, it is replaced by euphoria and the audience is on the notes immediately. It is noticeable that it has been a long time since Candlemass played in Malmö, 23 May 2015 to be exact.
We see a safe and stable Candlemass 2024 and with new-old songbird Johan Längqvist at the microphone since 2018 and two albums in the luggage, I think this is how Candlemass should sound. You’ll have to excuse me Messiah Marcolin but it’s not enough to just have a monk-drenched and deep doom voice to make it come alive you need the whole register. Johan Längqvist not only sounds good he looks damn cool on stage, he moves with such self-esteem.
As I said, the audience was there from the beginning and when Mirror Mirror was played, it was just a matter of clearing your throat. During Into the Unfathomed Tower, Längqvist got to rest his throat while the rest of us got to enjoy this bobastic instrumental tune with elements of double bass drums and fast guitar solos. If there’s one song I like with Mr Längqvist on vocals, it’s Sweet Evil Sun from last year’s album with the same name. It’s a perfect fit for him.
Today’s masterpiece, A Sorcerer’s Pledge, couldn’t be more powerful, and the sing-along is not to be missed. The extra numbers for the evening The Well of Souls, The Bells of Acheron and the song that is always on the setlist Solitide made this evening complete and you can leave Plan B with a smile on your face.
I don’t give ratings, but here you can get your own idea of how the concert was.
As I wrote in the beginning, there will be an interview with Mr Lindh in the first issue of Let There Be DrumZine and of course with even more drum pictures from the evening.
Best Peter